Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Oh joy, he has a cold again. We've had intermittent sleep thanks to him waking up quite a lot to have a little whinge. All he ever wanted was his dummy back or a quick stroke on the cheek, but disrupted sleep still leaves you with the feeling like you've been turned inside out and scrubbed with sandpaper. Andy made a comment on his way out that I think I'm going to get printed on a T-shirt - "He's a somnocidal maniac."
So, I now have the prospect of days on end of snottiness and desperately hoping I don't catch it. It's my birthday this week and I have booked the day off work and everything. It would really spoil it if I had to spend the day feeling ill. As for where he's caught it from, I have no idea. He's not gone anywhere I haven't and he's not met anyone I haven't, unless one of the children in the Sunday creche were secretly snotty. On the other hand I did spend yesterday feeling like my nose was itchy and sneezy, so maybe I have had it, but very lightly. Please!
Poor little chap, his canine teeth are on the move so he's already a bit uncomfortable and the dribble is back. The points of the top two are through, but they're moving very slowly and you can see two massive triangles in his gums where the bottom two are on the move. Give it a few weeks and my son will have a full toothsome smile!
The trouble is, we've got teething dribble, snot and extra dribbling because his nose is blocked. Should I perhaps just dress him in plastic for the whole day to help prevent the rash on his chin coming back or should I just sit back and accept the oncoming storm of liquid and clean it up later?
Despite being under the weather he's still climbing all over things. He seems to have got himself to the point of no return at the moment, so I'll sign off for now.

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