Monday, 28 May 2012

A Day in the Life

On the 28th of May, 2012, the following events happened: -
Joseph got hold of the Tesco Baby and Toddler club magazine that came through the door this morning. It was quite handy as he needed his nappy changed and it was very stinky. He's not happy with nappy changes much any more and tends to grizzle the whole way through and make a break for just before I've got the new one on. This morning he lay there, reading his magazine whilst I cleaned him up and he was not at all bothered by the whole thing. He even turned the page.
He did not let go of the magazine, perhaps he was just enjoying the toddler fashion pages. He would not let go of it when I took him up for his nap and he lay there in his cot reading it. I checked on him a few minutes later and he was still reading. Fifteen minutes after that he looked like he was trying to sleep on it and a little while later he was crying as the magazine was now rather crumpled and thrown on the floor. I decided that he'd probably got all the information he needed and I threw it away. He eventually took his nap, but later than usual.
In the morning we went out into the garden for a bit, which was a lot of fun. Now that our lawn is short and free of cat faeces it's safe to play out there and I can hang my washing out without having to worry about where I'm putting my feet. I put some stinky crystals down yesterday and they seemed to work, but I could not see any of them out there today.
Lunch was a wash out. I cooked him a nice omelette and he totally rejected it. It's hard to keep your cool when your child is spitting lumps of egg, onion and mushroom at you. I could not work out what the problem was, he'd eaten omelette before without complaint but this time - no. I will not go down the force-feeding route so I let him sit by himself in his chair for a few minutes and tried again to no avail. I took a break to stack the dishwasher and tidy up and came back again for one last try. He ate a little bread, but no omelette. There's only one way I think he'll learn so I put him down for his nap without offering him anything else and without his fromage frais.
He seemed to settle, it went quiet anyway. Ten minutes later he was crying quite loudly. Sometimes I give him a few minutes when he cries as often he just needs to wind down a little, but for some reason this time I felt I should go up.
What a good thing I did. I had put him down without his sleeping bag as it was warm and I had not put his trousers back on after his nappy change for the same reason.
He was stood there in his little t-shirt, pointing at something on the floor. I did not look at the floor first as I was more startled by he himself. Why was he totally naked from the waist?
The thing on the floor was his nappy. I guess he hadn't been asleep, just curious about the sticky fasteny things around his middle. He must have wondered what happened if he pulled them and no doubt he rather liked the noise they made. He must have pulled on them to see what would happen and then he had a soft thing to play with, even if it did smell a bit odd. He must have got carried away and thrown it around, only crying when he dropped it.
I had arrived just in time, there were no wet patches on the mattress. The nappy was restored, I put him in his sleeping bag for the sake of safety and re-settled him. He went to sleep quite quickly after that.
In the afternoon we played in the garden again and Joseph got his hands nice and dirty by playing in the soil and got big grass stains on both knees by tripping over and then shuffling on his knees to my garden chair to pull himself up. When we came back in I had to clean his feet as there was mud between his toes. Whilst he was having fun I took out all my frustrations from the week on the weeds. Nothing like thwarting the bindweed to make you feel a little better.
Soon, Andy will be home and it will be bath time. That's his job and I get to sit down with a well deserved cup of tea.

1 comment:

  1. No, you missed it! He was LEARNING how to do a nappy from the magazine. Just maybe the putting it back on was too complicated for an 18 month old. Or he couldn't read all the words!
