Monday, 9 April 2012


There was a lot of chocolate, oh yes.
I hadn't planned it that way. I has bought a small egg each from the Linden Lady chocolate stall at the last NEC craft fair. They were of modest size with some rather nice decoration on.
Andy bought two boxes of Creme Eggs and some Cadbury's buttons eggs for Joseph. Joseph, it seems, does not deserve just the one egg but three as they were on special offer.
It's a good job too, as whenever one of us went to eat some chocolate, Joseph would be incredibly upset if he didn't get any.
You can only ignore this level of tantrum for so long. In the end we had him sat up on his booster seat with a small selection of buttons and pieces from the smashed shell whilst we ate some of our own chocolate. Our eggs were very nice, I have to recommend Linden Lady if you're ever in a position to buy some.
As it's the school holidays there was no Sunday school or creche at church. Joseph can only sit still for so long before needing to run around. The previous week Andy had taken him outside for some air, but it was rather damp and I didn't fancy that. The Mum and Baby room had a Dad and three noisy children in it, not was Joseph needed at all.
In the end I resorted to letting him run up and down the back of the hall. I'm sure most people could hear his little feet going thumpity thump, but it was better than trying to hold onto him and having him scream.
Even that wasn't enough in the end. He wanted to explore more and I wasn't letting him. The meeting over-ran as it often does and we decided to brave going outside. The rain had stopped but the ground was damp and there were deep gutters running around the building. He pointed at plants, shouted at birds and ended up running literal rings around me.
I had to keep a tight hold of his hand due to the gutters, which he didn't like. In the end I stood still and he ran around, I just changed hands as he moved.
Eventually the service finished and I went back in and then we went home, nice and hungry for the chocolate.

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