Friday, 23 December 2011

Twas the night before the night before.....

This is a sort of 'pre' blog, a blog about what is about to happen.
Tomorrow is Christmas eve and I've got a lot to do.
I did the big Christmas grocery shop today. Here's a tip, I don't care how much it hurts, you have to get up early to go to the supermarket. I got there just past 8am and it was ok, about as busy as an average Saturday. By the time I left at nearly 9am it was chock-a-block. The car park was full and it looked like fights were breaking out next to the sprouts. Even at 8am I had to move empty boxes of vegetables out of the way to get to the good stuff underneath. If there's only unhappy broccoli with long stalks left, take a look underneath, it's where they hide the good stuff.
That done I went to Grannys house and dropped off the stuff needed for the big day and headed home with boxing day supplies and a slightly unhappy child. He'd not slept and didn't want to.
Andy came home early and brought snacks. I ate some of the snacks and then made a slim flat sponge cake. Tomorrow said sponge will be cut into fingers and soaked in amaretto and coffee. This will then be doused in mascarpone whipped up with icing sugar and egg white. The whole lot will be left to set in the fridge and will hopefully turn into a tiramisu for the grand finale of my culinary feat. Mum just didn't fancy a Christmas pudding this year, and while I do rather like them I also appreciate they can be a bit filling.
Also tomorrow I must make some biscuits and turn them into Christmas trees and stuff a turkey. First I have to persuade someone to go and collect the turkey who this year has been named Timothy. Two years ago we had a turkey called Gerald who, through a pound and kilogram mix up ended up much bigger than expected. This year I am assured the same mistake has not been made and Timothy will be quite tiny in comparison.
After that there is a gratin to make, spuds to roast, a prawny starter to construct and various things to be done to carrots to make them - well - interesting. The big day is going to be spent having Gordon Ramsay moments in the kitchen, as the man seems to work on the premise that high stress levels in kitchens somehow turn into food.
Actually, although the scale of the feat is something to behold, I am actually looking forward to it. I do enjoy cooking, I just hope that my energy levels hold and that the cashier in the supermarket hasn't passed on his germs as he did sneeze in my direction. Ha, that'd be just my luck, have it all planned out and ready and then be to ill with a stupid cold to eat any of it.
I am ready and am taking a pre-emptive dose of decongestants and pain killers. They wont keep me down, not when I'm on a mission......

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