Monday, 24 October 2011


We're getting a lot of "oops" moments now. Joseph has found his feet all right, he's just not sure what to do with them all of the time! He's all right when holding on and can even manage to balance when simply leaning on something and using his hands to do something else (usually making a grab for something he shouldn't have) but actually standing up unaided is still a skill that is yet to develop.
The problem is, Joseph sometimes seems to forget. Andy noticed this recently, when extracting something from Josephs little mitts, he was so concentrating on rescuing the item from Joseph that he initially didn't realise that he had in fact removed Josephs prop. He stood there for a moment and then toppled over in a true David Jason style.
Just before we went on holiday the last time he managed to nut a chair leg, so in many of the pictures he has a pink line on his forehead. Yesterday, whilst visiting Granny and Granddad he slipped and cracked his head quite hard on a solid item of furniture and developed quite a large pink lump on his head, which was in addition to the bruises from pulling a chair over onto himself earlier in the day. I watch him and I watch him and in the split second I look the other way....
Given the sheer number of times that boy has managed to clonk his noggin on hard objects, it's a wonder he has any feeling left! I hope he gets his sense of balance soon, it's getting a bit worrying!
Still, at least his top front teeth are coming through now and he no longer looks like a little baby vampire. We've had a bit of grizzling this time, but it's not been too bad. Instead we've had lakes of drool and rivers of snot to contend with, not a welcoming sight when he comes shimmying down the furniture to say hello to you by rubbing his face on your knee. That boy has left puddles big enough to irrigate a paddy field.
Still, his teeth will come through in time and I'm hoping he grows out of the habit of regularly trying to give himself a concussion. We've not had to go to A&E yet with him and I hope it's a long time before we have to - or never, but he is a little boy so I have to be realistic! At some point the inevitable little piece of lego is going to make a trip into a nostril or ear canal that will require professional help to remove.

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