Wednesday, 21 September 2011

We're all going on a late summer holiday....

Yes, we went on holiday in September! Yes, we went camping - and with a nine month old baby too!
The weather had a few moments. We did decide to change campsite last minute due to the imminent arrival of hurricane Katia we decided that the campsite with the lovely views of the ocean was probably a bit too exposed, what with it being on a cliff top and all.
It was a bit windy, but nothing too scary. It's the noise that does it, the flapping of canvas and guy ropes and the constant whooshing. It can be scary, but we'd camped through worse and was simply too tired to lay awake worrying.
We had a little bit of wet and it rather hampered the day out we planned at Weymouth, but we still ended up going for a dip in the sea when the sun came out. Joseph didn't like it one bit and ended up staying on the beach so Granny could chase him up and down and get him all sandy. He had fun, but when we got back to the site and tried to bathe him in a washing up bowl outside the tent, he really wasn't too keen.
Many cream teas were had and fish and chips were consumed in considerable quantities, after all if you're having a holiday down in Purbeck I believe it is the done thing. Anyway if you're going to Weymouth for a day it's the law to have fish and chips in King Edwards restaurant. It's the best I've ever eaten (and I've eaten a lot). You can't miss them they're on the corner by the big clock tower.
He he, whenever I remember holidays it's always the food that comes to mind. Joseph wasn't too keen on fish and chips but he did love scones this time, I was surprised that it didn't make him sick! Granny and Daddy were also keen to share some ice cream with him which he also liked a lot, but it did make it difficult to put some sudocream on some dry skin on his face, he saw a finger with some white stuff on it coming towards him and he thought it was another treat and tried to eat it. Yeuch!
We also had a fun trip on the steam railway (Joseph fell asleep) and had a look round the King Tut exhibition in Dorchester (Joseph had a whinge, had a bottle and then fell asleep). Corfe castle is always worth a visit (Joseph, all comfy in his baby back - you guessed it - fell asleep) especially the nice National Trust tea shop outside, they do good scones. While we were there we were treated to some events in the last day of the Purbeck folk festival which included accordion playing, clog dancing and the delights of men in silly hats with bells on their knees doing Morris dancing.
We had a debate about whether the design on the costume was a dragon, a griffin or a wyvern. In the end I have concluded it was a wyvern as it looked pretty dragon-ish but only had two legs. Before anyone could consider that we were actually a part of the proceedings we escaped to have a cream tea and I mused on how we the English have become a little ashamed of our own culture.
Well, even if the dancing is just too much to cope with, we still have all our fine food - cream teas, Cumberland sausages, cheddar cheese, Bakewell tart, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, dumplings, Cornish pasties, deep fried fish (the chips are Belgian), Earl Grey tea, Lancashire hot-pot....
I'd better stop as I'm getting hungry. Anything I've missed I'm sure you can add on in the comment section.....

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